Saturday, March 13, 2010

Text Sets: Fiction and Non Fiction

What would be a great topic to pair together two different genres- to read about and enjoy?

Snow! Yes, we have had our bit of snow in the Northeast this year. But kids love snow. We love to play in it and we love learn about it. What an interesting phenomenon that happens in some parts of the world!

Lester Laminack has a fun, fiction book about snow called, Snow Day.

The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter's Wonder by Mark Cassino is a wonderful non fiction book that helps engage the reader in the explanation and exploration of snow.

Pick a topic to explore- gather up your fiction and non fiction texts to explore, enjoy and engage the readers in your life in the mysteries and wonderment about the world! Kids have different entry points into reading and feeling connected to topics. Sometimes they find it through fiction and sometimes non fiction. Why not help them make the connection and read both!


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